Who We Are

We are a membership network serving a diverse community of grantmaking organizations that are committed to learning and working together. The members we serve make philanthropic grants and sponsorships in North Carolina and include family, private, public, independent, community foundations as well as corporate giving offices and donor-advised funds.


We envision that all communities in North Carolina are valued and thriving and are empowered and supported by a robust philanthropic network.


We connect, equip and inspire grantmakers to elevate the people and places of North Carolina.

Our Values

Our values are at the heart of the NCNG community. They guide our strategy and inform our work.


We act with responsibility and transparency


We embrace diverse perspectives


We respect, share with, and learn from one another


We make the time and space to partner


We listen, learn, and evolve


NCNG’s Roles



Support and equip people and organizations


Grow and support connection and collaboration


Inspire, mobilize and foster collective action




NCNG was organized in September 2002 by a group of grantmakers who saw the need for a statewide forum to connect and support grantmaking organizations’ staff, board and trustees. NCNG is a charitable venture operating under the fiscal sponsorship of the North Carolina Community Foundation.


Non-Solicitation Policy

NCNG provides a forum for funders to collaborate and network together, because we know we do our best work together. We maintain the culture of our network by ensuring that NCNG events and the NCNG network are not used for business solicitation or fundraising by members or guests.

Organizations that function as both grantmakers and grantseekers, and individuals who have roles in both philanthropy and development, must ensure their membership or attendance at events is not used for fundraising or promotion purposes.

