Over the next 10 years in North Carolina, more than $100 billion will transfer from one generation to the next. In 50 years, that number could exceed $500 billion. This phenomenon has come to be known as the intergenerational transfer of wealth -  as parents pass away and leave their estate to their children. But if the heirs no longer live where they grew up, that wealth may leave as well.

NCNG has worked with 14 of its member organizations to better understand this transfer on a county-by-county basis. We partnered with the University of Minnesota to complete a comprehensive study outlining the opportunities to engage communities to capture some of this transferring wealth.

Keeping just 5% here in NC could support nearly $6.2 billion in local grantmaking over the next 20 years.

North Carolina is fortunate to be home to several community foundations, which together serve every community in the state. Community foundations provide a permanent source of local philanthropic capital and are experts on the local needs of communities and their charitable organizations. Community foundations make grants, help nonprofits manage operating reserves and endowments, strengthen organizations, and create charitable funds that reflect the personal values of donors. 

Click here to view the detailed summary for the full state.

Summary reports by county are available to NCNG members. Please reach out to info@ncgrantmakers.org for more information.


