Disaster Relief and Recovery Resources

In this time of need, we want to bring our members and friends information on how best to support the communities in Western North Carolina in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene.

For the latest update from the NC Inclusive Disaster Recovery Network, click here.


Looking to donate? Consider these Response and Recovery FUnds

Community Foundation of Burke County (Located in  Morganton, NC. Accepting and making grants for immediate relief)

Community Foundation of Henderson County (Located in Hendresonville, NC. Accepting and making grants for immediate relief)

Community Foundation of Western North Carolina (Equipped to accept grants and quickly deploy resources to nonprofits in their community ASAP)

North Carolina Community Foundation (Accepting donations for long-term recovery relief efforts)

Polk County Community Foundation (Located in Tryon, NC. Accepting and making grants for immediate relief)

United Way of North Carolina Recovery Fund (Accepting donations for immediate and long-term relief efforts) Visit this link for information on donation needs and drop-off locations.

NC Counts Coalition (Providing supplies and funds through their 14 community-based organizations in the West)

North Carolina Government Emergency Efforts (Contributions help with the unmet needs of hurricane victims - Fiscal Agent is the United Way of NC)

Appalachia Funders Network (Pooled, region-wide fund designed to distribute resources directly to AFN's place-based members/partners, covering all impacted areas in the Appalachian region.)

Boone Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation (Located in Boone, NC. Accepting and making grants for immediate relief)

Click here for additional, specific funding requests from NCNG members and/or partners.

If you would like to submit information related to relief and recovery efforts, please email info@ncgrantmakers.org.

This page was last updated 10/3/24.

Best Practice Guidance For Disaster RElief Philanthropy

Disaster Relief Information

  • The North Carolina Department of Public Safety is posting information about road conditions, shelters, food assistance and other storm information.
  • Individuals seeking assistance in their communities may call 2-1-1 to be connected to availabe resources, including help with housing and shelter, utilities, healthcare, food, clothing and household goods, etc. Additional information is available here
  • The North Carolina Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster organizes volunteers and resources ahead of disasters. The VOAD's role is to bring organizations together and enable them to understand each other and work together during times of disaster preparedness, response, relief and recovery.
  • Ready NC is posting information about efforts to recover and rebuild after recent storms. 

For companies to set up Employee RElief Funds

  • For companies wanting to provide funding support for their employees during disasters, E4E Relief is available to help organizations set up Employee Relief Funds. 